WP Maintenance Service
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Premium Hosting
All plans come with premium managed WordPress hosting that makes your website ultra fast, fault tolerant and secure. We manage our own cloud servers and configure the best environment for your website.
Security Updates
Every plugin and theme and WordPress itself, need to be udpated regularly to keep it secure and fuctional. We take care of regular and safe updates for you.
Cloud Backups
Regular off-site backup is the first insurance against any mishappening. We backup and save a copy of your website on Amazon S3 servers with 60 days history.
Uptime Monitoring
Powered by BetterStack we monitor your website from 3 locations globally to ensure that website is live and working 24×7. If website is offline we get notified immediately and take action accordingly.
Premium Security Plugin
We setup iThemes Security Pro to your website and enable several measures to make your website almost impossible to hack.
Daily Malware Scans
We scan your wordpress website daily (in fact twice a day) to check for most common vuneriabilites and detect them before they affect your visitors. If we detect a vunerability, we fix it on priority.
Free Emergency Restore
If your website is breaks during an update or by mistake, and if can be fixed by restoring a backup, we do this restoration free of charge.
On Demand Support
Apart from regular management included in our service, we provide on demand support for setting up plugins, fixing issues, and updating contant.